Introduction to SaaS Forge boilerplate
This boilerplate allows building a working SaaS web application faster. In practice, it's a minimal SaaS application
that has all the features that every SaaS app has like:
- Email authentication (with email confirmation)
- user registration, login, logout
- project infrastructure
- database models and scripts for updating it ("code first" approach)
- dashboard UI with all the scripts for faster and modern JavaScript development
- slick, responsive dashboard design
- custom components for fast frontend development (modals, tabs, alerts, and others) plus full integration with React-Bootstrap
- integration with FontAweson icons library
- modules (unique entities that are combination of frontend and backend API code)
- auto-registrating API libraries and blueprints
- JWT authentication
- ORM-based database development - SQLALchemy
- error handling
Something cool about the boilerplate
- Automated imports of API endpoints to blueprint
- Automated initializing of services/extensions
- Predefined database models and automatic updates with script
- Customizable theme (based on Bootstrap 4)
- Heroku and AWS Elastic Beanstalk friendly
- Module-based approach for both: front-end and back-end
The paid version has additionally the following features:
- full integration with payment system (Stripe)
- admin web interface for managing users
- social registartion (Google)
- 2 themes for user authentication/login pages.
- Python (Flask) - backend
- PostgreSQL - database
- ReactJS - frontend
- CSS/SCSS for styling
- Fontawesome
- Webpack/Babel - frontend building
System requirements
Currently, the boilerplate works with Python 3.5 and Node.js of the last version.