23 Ideas For Your Next SaaS

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23 ideas for your next SaaS book is based on the SaaS Idea Weekly, the 16-weeks newsletter, where each email contains a description of one SaaS application. This book includes all of them plus 7 new ideas that never been published yet. We carefully selected ideas, did market research, prepared and packed all the information to give you an understanding of it, and encourage you to investigate it more and start your next great SaaS project.


K.Rains, D.Likhachev, R.Yellowtayl


What's inside?

The book contains 23 ideas of SaaS applications

  1. A problem that this SaaS app can solve
  2. Existing solutions
  3. Who are the end-users
  4. How it works
  5. Features
  6. Existing competitors and how to differentiate from them
  7. Ways to implement / components
  8. Technologies used
  9. Ways to monetize
  10. Challenges and obstacles
  11. A tip for SaaS founders
And! Every reader will get a coupon for 20% of all products of SaaS Forge.
Which subjects area is it about?

SaaS web apps can be created for almost any subject area. But some of them are more promising than others. Let's list several areas that you definitely should look at:

  • sport and fitness
  • online learning
  • arts
  • finance
  • business
  • life- and growth hacks
  • productivity
  • health
  • software development
  • and many, many others...
What our readers say

Thanks for your newsletter, it's really helping to look at things from different perspectives, and maybe finally to find a nice idea for my next product :)

Igor, software developer

Technical specification:
  • 23 ideas of SaaS apps with full descriptions
  • 150 pages
  • Language: English
  • Format: PDF
  • File size: 1.6M
  • By: K.Rains and others