Frequently Asked Questions


Is this boilerplate free?

Yes, the basic version of the boilerplate is completely free. It's an open-source solution that can be found on GitHub:

Even if we call it "basic" version it allows you creating a full-functional SaaS application with many cool features.

How do you make money?

Currently, the boilerplate is delivered in3 versions:

  • basic (open source)
  • professional and business (paid).

The paid versions include:

  • payment modules (currently Stripe integration)
  • admin dashboard

In the nearest future we will add more paid features like:

  • deployment automation (Heroku, AWS)
  • extended user authentication (via social networks and other providers)
  • database management
  • integration with the main website (landing, pricing pages, faq, blog, articles etc.)

Also, we do consulting and custom development. For quotes and details please drop us email.

Why is not there a free trial version?

A free trial version allows you to estimate the code quality and main features. All that is available in our open source version. You can clone or download it and, if you like the code and want the advanced features, please buy the professional or business version.

How is the paid version delivered?

As soon as you sign up the dashboard you will be offered to buy a year subscription. After the successful payment, open your dashboard and click the Boilerplate.

You will see the link for the archive to download, and, if you are a Github user you can enter your github name and set up the Github connection. After it's done you will able to pull all the updates.

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What does "Setting up deployment" for the Business plan mean?

If you experience trouble with the deployment process, we can help you to make all necessarily settings. Currently, we can provide "the turnkey" deployment to AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Heroku.

In very nearest features we will provide the automatic deployment what can decrease consuming money and time significantly.

What does the amount of developers mean?

When you buy the subscription you will have the access to our private Github repository. If you buy the Pro plan, you will be given access for 2 users, in the case of Business plan, the amount of developers is not restricted.